
Japan’s real estate stands out above the restin Asia for its excellent quality

―From your perspective as a professional in the real estate business, what do you consider are the merits of purchasing real estate in Japan for foreign investors?

Well, firstly it goes without saying that the quality of real estate in Japan is exceptionally high; it stands head and shoulders above the real estate in other Asian countries. The intangible value generated by this reliable quality is huge. Take the standards for earthquake-resistant structures as an example; the Building Standards Act in Japan is extremely strict in this area of construction. So unlike in other Asian countries, there is no constant concern of a structure collapsing in Japan due to uncertainty about the constructions standards followed during the building process. Also, owning yen-denominated assets in Japan is very highly regarded in Asian countries as one way to counter any uneasiness about your own country’s economy.
As for Chinese investors, in addition to having little confidence in the value of the Chinese Yuan, they really aspire to own real estate in Japan. Even if you own land in China, it’s still just a lease from the government. But purchasing real estate in Japan also gives you ownership rights, which lets investors bequeath the assets to their family. So when you also take into account the high quality of property management here, it’s easy to understand why real estate in Japan has such an enormous value among Asian investors.
Also, the price of real estate in Tokyo right now is definitely lower than properties in New York, Shanghai, Singapore, London, and other major cities around the world. Even though prices here are starting to rise at a steadier pace, they are still quite low. And the current yield on a property in Tokyo is around 3-to-4%, which is much more lucrative than the 1% market rate of London and other cities.
So the properties here are reliable and safe, and generate a fairly good yield. These are some of the factors that make real estate in Japan so appealing to foreign investors.

―So in that sense as well, what are the criteria for selecting a real estate company when purchasing a property in Japan?

First and foremost, it’s essential the company has a wide array of good-quality properties to select from. Then you need to carefully look at how much experience the company has in selling real estate.
I’ve been working in the real estate investment business for over a decade, and I now finally feel like I know what this business is about.
Real estate investment is actually quite simple though. You buy land and buildings, and then rent them out to third parties to earn rental income. Or you sell them for a profit.
That’s basically how it works in real estate the world over. So at the very least, you need to understand the intrinsic nature of real estate investment, and offer each customer a property that aligns with their purpose.
Why does the customer want to own real estate to begin with? Is it for a capital gain, or an income gain? Or is it for asset value or high liquidity? The right way to purchase and own property varies according to each person’s set of values.
I’ve been through the Lehman Shock, and also witnessed the real estate bubble and its ensuing collapse. I’ve seen many successes and failures in real estate investment so far, and I pride myself in being able to ascertain the essential purpose of each customer’s investment in real estate and subsequently provide them with reliable advice on the best options for ownership.
Above all, in real estate it’s imperative to work with someone who can provide sound advice on how to purchase and own a property. I believe I can offer such advice to my customers, and help them achieve a successful purchase…It’s this belief in myself and my abilities that lead me to set up Post Lintel on my own. I can say that now, without hesitation.

―Can you please restate the strengths of Post Lintel within the real estate business?

I’d say it’s the vast amount of information I’ve acquired by leveraging my network of industry contacts, which spans a decade of working specifically in investment real estate mainly in Tokyo, and my ability to really “read a property.” My staff and I are also able to offer country-specific localized services.
I currently have eight employees on staff, and six of them are foreigners from Chinese-speaking countries. So we really can scratch any itch a customer has! At Post Lintel, we can localize any service a customer requires to suit the circumstances in their own country.
We are constantly keeping a close eye on global trends, and expanding our business to offer investment real estate in Japan to customers in eleven countries. I see Post Lintel’s unique strength as being our well-balanced localized and globalized approach to selling investment real estate.

―What’s your vision for yourself and Post Lintel going forward?

I’d like to draw on my experiences and achievements so far, and continue using real estate in Japan to assist Asian investors in resolving the various issues they have. I also have my sights set on making Post Lintel even more global, and offering real estate from around the world to the international wealthy class.
And in addition to consolidating our current strengths, the next phase I’m considering for the company is incorporating block chains, virtual reality (VR) and other advanced technologies. I actually have many things in the pipeline, but everything’s still a secret (grins). So stay tuned for what Post Lintel has planned next!


Born in Tokyo in 1978. After graduating from junior high school in Japan, Bando went to the U.S. on his own and completed his studies at a high school there. Upon returning to Japan, he worked in a variety of jobs and then became involved in setting up a real estate company. In 2007 Bando joined the newly established real estate company, Dualtap Co., Ltd., and after holding several positions including manager and business division manager, he was appointed as its managing director. He was instrumental in expanding Dualtap’s business scope by focusing on overseas real estate and other areas, and he was also a driving force in the company’s listing on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2016. After presiding over the company’s entire sales, operations and management divisions both in Japan and overseas, Bando set up his own company Post Lintel Co., Ltd. in 2018, where he now works as its president & CEO.